Kick start Your Day with the Ultimate 15 Min Yoga Flow!

Kick start Your Day with the Ultimate 15 Min Yoga Flow!

This 15-minute yoga routine is perfect for an everyday practice, incorporating a variety of movements and postures to stretch and strengthen the body. It’s designed to be accessible for all levels, and you can use props as needed. As we begin, stand at the top of your mat with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Start swaying your arms from side to side, allowing some gentle movement in the knees.

Take a few deep breaths here, feeling the connection between your feet and the ground. Gradually bring more intention into the swaying motion, letting it become a full-body stretch as you reach from one side to the other. This movement helps release tension in the upper body and encourages gentle opening through the sides of your torso.

Feel free to modify this sequence by adding arm variations or adjusting the stance to suit your body’s needs. Remember to breathe deeply throughout each movement, allowing yourself to release any tension or stress held in the body. This routine is meant to help you start or end your day feeling rejuvenated and centered, promoting a sense of physical and mental well-being.

Gently twist and sway, don’t be afraid to feel silly. Trust the process and allow yourself to laugh. It’s just you and your mat. Slow down and stand tall. Interlace your fingers behind your back, press your fists down, and open your chest. Inhale deeply, release your breath, and lower yourself by bending your knees.

Lean forward from the waist, with your chest in front. Keep your fists at your lower back or lift them up as you fold forward. Let your thighs support your torso and relax your neck. Breathe in and out slowly. On the next inhale, rise up by pressing into your fists and standing up. Release your hands and raise them overhead as you inhale, then lower them as you exhale.

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We’ll repeat this a few more times, following the breath. Start by bringing your feet together, with your big toes touching and heels slightly apart. Inhale and reach your hands up overhead, then exhale and fold forward, with the option to bend your knees.

Inhale, lift halfway with a flat back, and exhale, fold again. Inhale, come to standing with your hands reaching up overhead, and exhale, fold once more, with the option to bend your knees.

Take a deep breath and put your hands on the mat. Step back into plank pose and breathe in. As you breathe out, lower your knees halfway and then bend your elbows. Breathe in and arch your back gently for up dog or cobra pose.

Breathe out, tuck your toes, and lift your hips for down dog pose. You can keep your knees bent if you want, and remember to press the mat away from your hands. Engage your core and make sure your feet and hands are strong.

If downward dog is too hard, you can do puppy pose or tabletop. Lift your left leg, then place it between your hands and lower your right knee. Stay in a low lunge or twist gently by reaching your left hand up. Press the mat away from your hands and feet.
Stay in a comfortable position and make sure not to lean into your right shoulder. Press out of your arm and keep your shoulder away from your ear. Press the top of your right foot into the mat to stay grounded. Exhale, plant your hand on the mat, and step back. You can do a modified chaturanga or lower halfway as you exhale.

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Relax your toes, lift your chest, and breathe out. Move into downward dog and stretch. Take a moment to be strong and press the mat away from your hands and feet. You can also come into tabletop or puppy pose if you prefer. On your next breath, lift your right leg up, then plant it between your hands and lower your left knee for a low lunge.

Stay here or twist and inhale, reaching your right hand up. Keep reaching your fingertips up towards the sky or take a bind as you exhale, if that’s possible for you. Avoid dipping into your shoulder, press out of the left shoulder, and be strong. Press the mat away from your left hand, the bottom of your right foot, and the top of your left foot. Use these three points.

Press your hand into the mat for support and balance. Lower your right hand to the mat and step it back. You can modify your chaturanga by lowering halfway and then inhaling into up dog or cobra. Exhale into down dog.

Bend your knees and walk it out. Take a moment. On your next exhale, plant your knees on the mat and come into tabletop pose. Rest. Position your hands directly below your shoulders and align your knees with your hips. Breathe in and drop your belly, looking up for cow pose.

Breathe out and round your spine, looking down for cat pose. Keep moving with your breath. Find a neutral spine and straighten your left leg, tucking your left toes and spinning your right heel out.

Gently release the top of the right foot and the right hand. Plant the left hand on the mat. Switch sides by straightening the right leg and spinning out the left foot. Inhale and reach the right hand up and over, then exhale and plant the hand on the mat.

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when you’re ready, move into child’s pose by bringing your hips towards your heels and resting your forehead or cheek on the mat. You can also widen your knees if that’s more comfortable. If needed, you can use pillows to support your hips and torso. Breathe into your chest and relax your shoulders as you exhale.

Breathe deeply into your belly and expand your lower back as you inhale. Then, exhale and relax your hips, feet, and belly. Next, walk your hands to the left and breathe into your right side, expanding your right ribcage. Exhale and relax your chest, upper back, and arms. Finally, inhale and walk your hands back to the center.

Breathe out and move your body to the right. Breathe in on the left side, expanding the left ribcage. Relax your upper body and arms. Breathe in and return to the center, then slowly sit up. Lie on your back, place your feet apart on the mat, and gently rock your knees from side to side.

Align your elbows with your shoulders, then lower both knees to the left. You can use pillows for support and height by placing them under your knees or between your knees. To reduce the twist, place a pillow under your right shoulder. If this is too intense, try a different pose or skip it altogether.

Breathe in to make room, breathe out to release tension from your upper body, lower body, feet, and ankles. Lift your knees as you breathe in, then exhale as you move them to the right. You can adjust as needed and work with your breath. Inhale to create space, exhale to release tension. Gently lift and hug your knees toward your chest.

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Hold the outer edges of your feet and gently rock from side to side. Hug your knees towards your chest and then place your feet at the bottom of the mat. Keep your hands at your sides with palms facing up, getting ready for shavasana. Take this moment to just be present with your fully relaxed body, without stretching or flexing.

You deserve this moment of self-care and relaxation. This space is always available to you, offering comfort and solace when you need it most. Begin by awakening your body gently: wiggle your fingers and toes, move your head from side to side, and consider bending your knees. Then, roll over to the right side, take a deep breath, and transition into a comfortable seated position.

As you settle in, inhale deeply as you raise your hands overhead. With a relaxing exhale, bring your hands down to rest on your heart. Let this simple movement be a reminder of the importance of taking care of yourself.

Embrace the stillness and peace that surrounds you in this moment. You are deserving of love, compassion, and moments of tranquility like this one. Allow yourself to fully experience these feelings as you continue with your day.

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